About DNC Execon
About DNC Execon
DNC Execon, which was founded in 2015, uses and puts into practice a concept developed by its founder where reward is linked to value delivered.
We pride ourself to apply and propose to our client win-win business relationships. Today, most of our business comes from a shared success of our clients. This also applies to our career-related services for uneployed people. In fact, unlike many other business settings such as outplacement services, executive career firms or hidden job market experts, targeting job-seeker with upfront fees but without providing any guarantee of results, we never charged and we will never charge any upfront fee for helping people in need. Most of our work today for unemployed people is on a pro-bono basis, while sometimes is linked to the person successfully landing a new job or starting a new business.
We also partner with other business executives, coaches and managers from a variety of industries and geographical locations, committed to make excellence in business consulting and coaching accessible. Our extensive professional network is linked to numerous fields, providing a guarantee that, no matter the issue, our clients will be provided the ideal solution.
“It’s so fulfilling to combine my business skills with my intuition to help individuals and businesses thrive. Finacials, technology and efficiency matter, but people eventually determine a company’s success.”
Davide Nocentini
When asked to assist an organization in moving forward, we take a careful look at the facts and figures, carry out in-depth analyses and set a clear strategy with clear KPIs. We hold ourself accountable for delivering results and creating value for our customers
When it comes to supporting individuals in personal matters or executives in navigating work-ralated dynamics, we apply a sensitive approach that takes each person’s situation, challenges and goals into consideration. By helping them resolve any obstacles that might be holding them back, they confidently move forward and reach their objectives.
Beacuse employees are the engine of the company, we encorage HR departments to discuss with us personalized coaching and events. When employees align their ambitions and purpose with the company’s vision, then the sky’s the limit.
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